Sunday, 25 December 2011

Monday, 19 December 2011

SPECIAL #35: Personal Favourites

Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera
Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera
Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Personal Favourites Redux, by Rioriel Ail'thera

-Celebrating 100k hits with a recap of all the Postcards tagged:personal favourites-

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Archive: Winter Veil (2010)

Postcards of Azeroth: Winter Veil, by Rioriel Ail'thera
"Have a wondrous Winter Veil! Be sure to say hello to Greatfather Winter!"
Postcards From Azeroth originals on scrnTAG

Sunday, 11 December 2011

#833: Fox

Rioriel's daily World of Warcraft screenshot presentation of significant locations, players, memorable characters and events taken on the European roleplaying server The Sha'tar, assembled in the style of a postcard series. -- Postcards from Azeroth: Fox (Happy Birthday to Fox Van Allen!), by Rioriel of
Happy Birthday to the fabulous and divine Fox Van Allen [@foxvanallen]

Location data by

Monday, 5 December 2011

#830: Holy Light

Rioriel's daily World of Warcraft screenshot presentation of significant locations, players, memorable characters and events taken on the European roleplaying server The Sha'tar, assembled in the style of a postcard series. -- Postcards from Azeroth: Holy Light, by Rioriel of
"No one feels he deserves it... its grace, pure
and simple... but the Light loves us anyway."

Location data by

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

#828: End Time

Postcards from Azeroth: End Time
The desolate future of Azeroth should its defenders fail to stop Deathwing.

Location data by

Saturday, 26 November 2011

#826: Martek the Exiled

Rioriel's daily World of Warcraft screenshot presentation of significant locations, players, memorable characters and events taken on the European roleplaying server The Sha'tar, assembled in the style of a postcard series. -- Postcards from Azeroth: Martek the Exiled
"Their stories didn't have hot babes in them. Naturally I chose the Blood Elf."
[[ Submitted by Stubborn of Sheep The Diamond ]]

Location data by

Thursday, 24 November 2011

SPECIAL #33: Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event

In which Rioriel shamelessly promotes himself to The Pantheon and empowers seven of his favourite bloggers as gratitude for the wonders they've shared with us, as part of the Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event...

Preservation of LIFE
To: Fimlys and Hydra of Twisted Nether

For their continued hard work and dedication to the Warcraft blogosphere, and the teamwork and community created and nurtured throughout the Blog Azeroth and TNB Wiki projects, I bestow upon you both the gift of the preservation of life.

Preservation of TIME
To: DiscoPriest of Disciplinary Action

At a time when we take time to thank those for their selflessness, giving, toil and labours, I gift you the preservation of time so that you can continue to dedicate your talents to creating fantastic artwork for the community to enjoy.

Preservation of DREAMS
To: Shade of WoW Insider / ATA

The inspiration to wonder. For your unerring love of Azeroth and beyond, I gift to you the preservation of dreams. To continually have your imagination fuelled by a world that has brought us all great joy, and to blossom that in others.

Preservation of MAGIC
To: Pewter of The 'mental Shaman

One of my very first officers in-game. In thanks for helping create an environment in which gamers of all backgrounds existed harmoniously, I now gift to you the preservation of magic - to inspire the crestfallen and to banish the destructive.

Preservation of EARTH
To: Skolnick of Warcraft Less Traveled

A tireless explorer of the world(s) of Warcraft. For the times I sought new sights to recapture those innocent days of wonder, you provided such inspiration. I gift you the preservation of earth, may you long discover its secrets..

Preservation of BATTLE
To: Ritual of scrnTAG

To walk the path of peace, occasionally we must climb the mountain of conflict. A master of the classes, an innovator, theorycrafter, genius, true friend. For your tireless desire to smash faces in, I gift you the preservation of battle.

Preservation of KNOWLEDGE
To: Catulla of Flavor Text Lore

For every time I'd flick randomly through Wowpedia whilst flying and ponder what the FTL team could enlighten me on. Especially Catulla, a renowned and talented scribe, to whom I gift the preservation of knowledge. Keep learning.

Thank you

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

#825: Happy 7th Birthday, WoW!

Rioriel's daily World of Warcraft screenshot presentation of significant locations, players, memorable characters and events taken on the European roleplaying server The Sha'tar, assembled in the style of a postcard series. -- Postcards of Azeroth: Happy 7th Birthday to World of Warcraft, by Rioriel of
"Heroes are needed more than ever to defend a shattered world."
Postcards of Azeroth: Happy 20th Birthday to Blizzard Entertainment, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Happy 5th Birthday to World of Warcraft, by Rioriel Ail'thera  Postcards of Azeroth: Happy 6th Birthday to World of Warcraft, by Rioriel Ail'thera
Rioriel's daily World of Warcraft screenshot presentation of significant locations, players, memorable characters and events taken on the European roleplaying server The Sha'tar, assembled in the style of a postcard series. Postcards From Azeroth originals are hosted on
Location data by