"The tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated."
On 1,000 (numbered) posts on PostcardsFromAzeroth.com, I'd like to take this opportunity to not only thank our readers (thank you so much!), but to openly thank some special people for their support.
Firstly, Jason (Nevik) for his fantastic contributions to the blog since joining this summer - you've genuinely helped keep this going while I've not had the time or inclination to play.
Also, huge thanks to Cees-Jan (Wyrihaximus) whose wizardry provides the geotagging. Please visit and support the great WyriMaps.net site - I'm slowly working my way through the archive adding all the shots to the map. Thirdly, to Dan (Ritual) for his technical know-how and pool of ideas over the last three years.
Firstly, Jason (Nevik) for his fantastic contributions to the blog since joining this summer - you've genuinely helped keep this going while I've not had the time or inclination to play.
Also, huge thanks to Cees-Jan (Wyrihaximus) whose wizardry provides the geotagging. Please visit and support the great WyriMaps.net site - I'm slowly working my way through the archive adding all the shots to the map. Thirdly, to Dan (Ritual) for his technical know-how and pool of ideas over the last three years.
Salutations and appreciation to those who've let me shout about the blog on their sites and podcasts over the last three years - Medros, Obscurecast, Fimlys, Hydra, TwistingNether, PvERogues, and BlogAzeroth, with extended and humble thanks to Shade and Skolnick for continual inspiration. To my guild (Wei Wu Wei) and my server (The Sha'tar EU), many thanks for putting up with me barking orders, dragging my heels along in first-person mode, squeeing with excitement over new bosses or world events. Your endless patience with me is treasured.
To everyone who has submitted - Angelya, Alternativechat, Aralosseien, Arlenwoot, Atdt1991, Catulla, Cielindra, Clara, EspeciallySam, Fannon451, GamerGaz, GigaWatts2k, Halrandir, Ignatius, JadedAlt, Justsomerain, Magiscam, Makpalazzo, Razerbug, Stubborn, SuicidalZebra, Survivinginaz, and Wowmartiean - thank you!
To all the readers, contributors, re-tweeters, followers and occasional searchers: /hug
I've uploaded all* 1,000 Postcards in a .rar file to Rapidshare.com. ~ Rioriel xx