Monday, 28 February 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Saturday, 26 February 2011
#642: Cliffspring Falls

"It's no surprise how tainted this water is. Action is needed sooner than later."
[[ Submitted by Gazimoff (@GamerGaz) of ManaObscura and The Obscurecast on SWCartel-EU. ]]
Friday, 25 February 2011
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
#640: Fury of the Sunwell

"Light and hope within this fount may rebirth the soul of a nation."
[[ Submitted by Cielindra (@HotMegane) of Ciel Was Here on The Sha'tar-EU. ]]
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
#639: S. B. R. B.

"No more zombies. Let's pause a moment in silence for the stinky departed."
[[ Submitted by Scarvo The Kingslayer (@atdt1991) of The Risen on Thorium Brotherhood-US. ]]

Monday, 21 February 2011
#638: The Molten Span

"You seek answers? Then have them! Look upon your answer to living!"
[[ Submitted by Windsoar (@JadedAlt) of Jaded Alt and Blog Azeroth on Moonrunner-US. ]]
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Saturday, 19 February 2011
#636: Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm

"It was horrible! Verna woke me when she heard a ruckus.
...The fields were full of hooligans!"
Friday, 18 February 2011
SPECIAL #7: Time Wasted Tuesday Forums

The kind folks at Time Wasted Tuesday have created a section on the TwTForums for little ol' me!
Come join Postcards, The Dark Order, Shattered Beginnings and TwT for WoW blogging and chat.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
#634: Greymane Manor

"Monsters outside the wall and wolves within,
I would say I am well versed in the lessons of fear and loss."
[[ Submitted by Khraden (@GigaWatts2k) of Paladin Illumination on Malfurion-US. ]]
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
#633: Deepwater Tavern

"Welcome to Menethil. I hope you've got good news or a stiff drink with you."
[[ Submitted by Suicidal Zebra of The Suicidal Zebra and twitter @suicidalzebra. ]]
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
#632: Cenarion Hold

"Cenarion Hold is a location of utmost strategic importance.
While we hold it our victory over the Silithid is guaranteed."
[[ Submitted by Mornara of Come Get Tha Voodoo on Hyjal-US. ]]
cenarion circle,
cenarion hold,
Monday, 14 February 2011
Sunday, 13 February 2011
#630: Shipwreck Shore

"Are you going to be a hero, or are you going to rest for eternity here?"
[[ Submitted by Gazimoff (@GamerGaz) of ManaObscura and The Obscurecast on SWCartel-EU. ]]

Saturday, 12 February 2011
#629: Beacon of the Tol'vir

"Tol'vir were created to guard this land. We must not betray that legacy."
[[ Submitted by Dire from Surviving in Azeroth // Ghromah of Demise on US-Eldre'thalas ]]

Friday, 11 February 2011
#628: Lord Marrowgar

Pieced together from the bones of a thousand vanquished adventurers.
[[ Submitted by Cielindra (@HotMegane) of Ciel Was Here on The Sha'tar-EU. ]]

Thursday, 10 February 2011
#627: Happy 20th, Blizzard!

"Orum n'bendir! Orum n'mallah! Velam delahna, alm val'alla o'sholl!"
Wishing Blizzard Entertainment a very happy twentieth birthday.
Thanks for all the memories and fuelled-imaginations, for all the fun and for all that's yet to come!
anduin wrynn,
eastern kingdoms,
elwynn forest,
lil' xt,
#626: Maw of Madness

"United with the Earthen Ring, we can survive the horrors of Iso'rath."
[[ Submitted by Windsoar (@JadedAlt) of Jaded Alt and Blog Azeroth on Moonrunner-US. ]]

Wednesday, 9 February 2011
#625: Rut'theran Village

"Your people have been granted shelter in the lands of the Kaldorei."
[[ Submitted by Gazimoff (@GamerGaz) of ManaObscura and The Obscurecast on SWCartel-EU. ]]
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
#624: Prison of Yogg-Saron

"I am the lucid dream. The monster in your nightmares."
[[ Submitted by Ravange the Exalted of Swamprat Mercenaries on The Sha'tar-EU. ]]
Related: #447 Yogg-Saron
old god,
personal favourites,
storm peaks,
Monday, 7 February 2011
#623: Cenarion Emissary

"We knew the Horde would send help and not a moment too soon!"
[[ Submitted by Angelya of Revive & Rejuvenate, Twitter @_Angelya on Nagrand-US. ]]
cenarion circle,
Sunday, 6 February 2011
#622: Bilgewater Harbour

"Once the naval forces are ready, we're going to light up the skies!"
[[ Submitted by Suicidal Zebra of The Suicidal Zebra and twitter @suicidalzebra. ]]
Saturday, 5 February 2011
#621: Vermillion Redoubt

"No mercy can be offered within this hallowed place."
[[ Submitted by Fannon of Dwarven Battle Medic. Best wishes to you on your special day! ]]
Friday, 4 February 2011
#620: Halls of Origination

"Can you feel it? The blessed warmth of the sun?"
[[ Submitted by Dire from Surviving in Azeroth // Ghromah of Demise on US-Eldre'thalas ]]
Thursday, 3 February 2011
#619: The Stonefather

"You have saved my people. You have earned that which you seek."
(( Postcards is still seeking submissions whilst Rio is /afk, see yesterday's entry for more details. ))

Wednesday, 2 February 2011
#618: Light's Hope Chapel

"The Argent Dawn stands defiantly against us at Light's Hope Chapel."
(( Submitted by Elder Ignatius of Gnomeregan Tourist Board, EU-The Sha'tar ))

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